How To Conquer That Job Interview: Using Your Whitened Smile

 “Success is no accident. It is hardwork, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you’re doing or learning to do.”-Pele. Take some time out and think about this statement. Whatever a person does, it is essential that he does it with utmost dedication. A similar philosophy is followed when a person decides to give a job interview. However, succeeding in a job interview is no easy task. The three key points to remember while giving an interview are: prepare, practice and perform. So, let us see how you can go the extra mile and ace it:
  1. Setting Up The Mood:
    • The first 30 seconds of an interview are the most vital. It is during this time when the interviewer carefully observes you and decides whether you are well suited for the job. 
    • It is this impression which stays with him the longest. Therefore it is best to make sure that you have a good first impression in front of whom you will be working.
  2. How To Make A Good First Impression:
    • Dress up well: You don’t need to wear anything flashy or garish. That gives away a wrong impression. Dress up smartly, in an immaculate businesslike manner. This way of dressing radiates confidence and makes the interviewer feel comfortable.
    • Be alert and confident. Act like you are having a friendly conversation with your boss, and try to be as natural as possible. Speak in a non-native, original accent, so that your way of speaking doesn’t become a hindrance. People often tend to speak in fake, made up accents which the interviewer can easily see through. This merely makes the person look funny and gives away a wrong impression to them.
  3. Non-Verbal Communication:
    • Eye contact:  Make constant eye contact with the person you’re addressing. If there is more than one interviewer, make sure that you give equal importance to both while addressing them. When they ask questions, look away so it looks like you’re seriously thinking about what they’re asking you and come up with a good answer.
    • Stay vigilant and attentive: Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying. If you agree with something or are listening, then express it by nodding. It makes the interviewer feel like you are genuinely interested.
  4. Verbal Communication:
    • Break the ice:  Developing rapport with your employer is of utmost importance. Crack light jokes to ease the tension, and smile to give your approval. If you are used to smiling with your mouth open, it is necessary to have white teeth. If not, try to whiten your teeth. Yellow teeth are disgusting and look unhygienic. It would not synchronise with the perfect demeanor with which you carried out the first few seconds of the interview. 


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